SHTF Christian use of force

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Awesome Friend
Jul 10, 2020
East-Central WI
(First off if this isn't allowed moderators please remove it and let me know.....this isn't preaching it's for people who already believe.)

In a SHTF situation you will have those who weren't prepared begging for food and those breaking it and using weapons to STEAL food.

You are supposed to help the less fortunate in need as part as living the faith.

When and under what circumstance does on send another to meet there maker?

If someone is unarmed and not an obvious threat I don't believe one should off them even if they found your spot. If someone is bring a weapon or threatening your life and not just asking I think it changes things significantly.

Have y'all thought about this? What is your thoughts on when is enough, enough?

I talk to my co-worker and he says anyone stealing gets plugged, any one who tries to stop what he is doing or his travel gets plugged, trespasses get plugged. I said that's your solution for everything isn't it. Lol. Beggars need to work in his garden for food if they aren't threatening and only asking which I do agree with. Equal work for equal food.

What about y'all?
If ANYONE knows what you have and/ or where you have it they can tell untold others. That individual may or may not present an imminent danger but others who are can gather and overwhelm you.
I am not promoting blanket death or destruction, I am warning that anyone can be a threat to your family and yourself. What YOU decide must be based on what you perceive to be a threat to you and yours.
I will trade goods for goods as long as it doesn't threaten my ability to provide for my family. I will not trade my right to life for supposed security.
I used to have this discussion with a now departed friend. His answer was to shoot everyone. I believe I will be taking another approach.

I believe that community is required if we want to thrive not just survive. I can't tell at this time what that community looks like since the community itself will determine that.

So only shoot in defense otherwise accept those in need. But have to work and earn their bread.

If ANYONE knows what you have and/ or where you have it they can tell untold others. That individual may or may not present an imminent danger but others who are can gather and overwhelm you.
I am not promoting blanket death or destruction, I am warning that anyone can be a threat to your family and yourself. What YOU decide must be based on what you perceive to be a threat to you and yours.
I will trade goods for goods as long as it doesn't threaten my ability to provide for my family. I will not trade my right to life for supposed security.
That's a fair point to consider thanks! True in times of wide spread need that one person will tell others. That's probably why my coworker has a you step on my land you won't leave it policy unless they work under him.
I used to have this discussion with a now departed friend. His answer was to shoot everyone. I believe I will be taking another approach.

I believe that community is required if we want to thrive not just survive. I can't tell at this time what that community looks like since the community itself will determine that.

So only shoot in defense otherwise accept those in need. But have to work and earn their bread.

Thanks for your thoughts. That is sort of what I was thinking along. If it happens there will already be a small group of neighbors/friends that will most likely bind together so it won't be just stealing from one home or threatening one person you will be dealing with a small well armed group. Although I know where some stand on this I don't know them all well. One person who shoots on sight might protect the whole group if a false rumor is spread the whole group is that way also....
Of course you help the less fortunate if you are a Christian. But you don't have to be stupid about it. And bad guys and robbers don't count.
But what about you? You've stated you don't have food stored, and you're going to your friends house that has a grouchy wife and they don't have food storage. Are you going to ask for charity, or be a thief? Not trying to be snarky to you, but just asking.
That's a fair point to consider thanks! True in times of wide spread need that one person will tell others. That's probably why my coworker has a you step on my land you won't leave it policy unless they work under him.
Keep in mind that a person has to eat regularly to keep up their strength.

If food suddenly disappeared we have a threat window of a matter of weeks before the threat dies off.

One of the hardest things to do is differentiate between the truly needy and the truly lazy. I have no problem helping others, but I will not do it from my house. I will send them to a local church or center where they can get help, and I will have donated there. If someone comes knocking they will be sent away emptyhanded. "I'm sorry I don't have anything more than you do. "

I wouldn't shoot anybody unless they were threatening me or my family, and I felt we were in danger. If I caught somebody stealing that would be a different matter, and a harder choice. If you let them go you know they will be back probably with friends because they know what you have. My gut says I would let them go; redouble me security; change where I have things stored; make it well known that if I saw them again they would be shot on sight; and God forgive me; follow through on the threat.
Look to nature...
Ants go out in search of a food source. When one ant finds a possible food source they go back to the colony and tells them what it found and where it is. A steady stream of ants converge on the site leaving a trail that others can follow and they keep going until it is all gone. A single ant goes out again to find a new source.

If I was in charge of a group of people and looking for a way to keep them loyal and fed I would send out individuals who would look for supplies. Maybe they would work for you for long enough to see what you had and how much. When it was ready to harvest they could leave in the dead of night and tell the leader of the group where you are, the defenses you have, and the food and firepower at your disposal. Instead of a single individual you now have a hundred who know everything they need to get what they want. The original scout might be a young mother and her child but they are part of a hive of locusts that will take everything you have and leave you and yours dead or dying.

Letting a stranger in to your group is dangerous in some circumstances and deadly in others. Everyone has had the opportunity to prepare. If you take the time and put in the work to be prepared for your family then you have a duty to protect that. Whether it is just a stranger who can convince the others you have let in to revolt against you or a scout from a nest of army ants who will surely destroy you. There is no difference in the outcome.
Of course you help the less fortunate if you are a Christian. But you don't have to be stupid about it. And bad guys and robbers don't count.
But what about you? You've stated you don't have food stored, and you're going to your friends house that has a grouchy wife and they don't have food storage. Are you going to ask for charity, or be a thief? Not trying to be snarky to you, but just asking.
Fair question. I would try and hunt and help with things around camp but not steal. I'd beg if anything. Btw I've talked with my friend about this and it sounds like his wife is more open to this being a real possibility and they may allow me to store food or other supplies there out if the way that would be for all of us. This isn't ideal but till I get a place it's my plan.
One of the hardest things to do is differentiate between the truly needy and the truly lazy. I have no problem helping others, but I will not do it from my house. I will send them to a local church or center where they can get help, and I will have donated there. If someone comes knocking they will be sent away emptyhanded. "I'm sorry I don't have anything more than you do. "

I wouldn't shoot anybody unless they were threatening me or my family, and I felt we were in danger. If I caught somebody stealing that would be a different matter, and a harder choice. If you let them go you know they will be back probably with friends because they know what you have. My gut says I would let them go; redouble me security; change where I have things stored; make it well known that if I saw them again they would be shot on sight; and God forgive me; follow through on the threat.
I like that idea. You let them go with a warning. If they choose to listen and keep on going is up to them.
Look to nature...
Ants go out in search of a food source. When one ant finds a possible food source they go back to the colony and tells them what it found and where it is. A steady stream of ants converge on the site leaving a trail that others can follow and they keep going until it is all gone. A single ant goes out again to find a new source.

If I was in charge of a group of people and looking for a way to keep them loyal and fed I would send out individuals who would look for supplies. Maybe they would work for you for long enough to see what you had and how much. When it was ready to harvest they could leave in the dead of night and tell the leader of the group where you are, the defenses you have, and the food and firepower at your disposal. Instead of a single individual you now have a hundred who know everything they need to get what they want. The original scout might be a young mother and her child but they are part of a hive of locusts that will take everything you have and leave you and yours dead or dying.

Letting a stranger in to your group is dangerous in some circumstances and deadly in others. Everyone has had the opportunity to prepare. If you take the time and put in the work to be prepared for your family then you have a duty to protect that. Whether it is just a stranger who can convince the others you have let in to revolt against you or a scout from a nest of army ants who will surely destroy you. There is no difference in the outcome.
See and that's the scary part and why I hope despite the signs that it doesn't come to it. That's where the whole thing about my religion places a huge part vs those who don't believe. Those who don't worry about a heaven or hell after death don't feel the need to live/survive by the same rules as those who think about it.

In the end it is better to die doing what I feel is right then to go against my beliefs for a few extra days/months/years on this earth.
I guess I was just seeing where people draw the line and how they personally justify there decisions.
Thanks for explaining your point of view. I see where your coming from and why.
You need to stock food now, BadgerLandHunter. It should of been yesterday, but today will have to do. If you're asking questions like this, then you need to understand the seriousness of it all. Begging should not be in your plan A or B. You need to prepare. That's what prepping is, not running scenarios in your head, start doing the work.
First there is the issue of law enforcement. In the Great Depression the USA increased its police forces. Why does everyone think rule of law and enforcement will disappear if we have something happen now?

As far as giving food to beggars; that requires a lot of thought and depends on your location. In time of need some places will have many beggars, likely going door-to-door. If you give a beggar a box/bag of food and send him on his way, he will certainly come in contact with other beggars. Desperate ones would likely rob him/her of that food. Having the food will put that beggar in great peril.
Or after giving out a box/bag of food the beggar will meet others and tell them of the place with so much food that they are just giving it away. This will lead to your place being over-run with beggars.
When you run low on food and stop giving it away they will assume you still have plenty and are just hoarding it. If they are desperate they will get violent,
Or if you give a beggar say 3-days of food, will give him more when he returns in 3 days?
I see no real good answers. Maybe the best if you plan having extra food to give others is to give that food early to a local church or food pantry.
If people are desperate there Will be violence. Everyone should plan now while the world is relatively safe just how they are going to deal with violence when it comes. Deciding alter would be a very poor plan.
I would match violence with violence, not a problem. But there are some who never really get around to prepping, and know preppers, and their prepping may only consist of grandpa's old rifle and some rounds. They may talk a good talk, but have not bothered prepping. May appear to be a friend, but really can't even feed themselves. Those types bother me. I would think that they would assume that they are in the "prepping club" but are really just moochers who talk the talk and have a gun. Prepper rule #1 needs to be to take care of you and your own. Having a gun, a container of survival seeds doesn't count.
On the issue of law enforcement...
A quick look at current affairs should easily answer your question. They will stand down until more than a few good people die. I don't intend to be on that particular list. Besides, I am already on too many lists. ;)
Look to nature...
Ants go out in search of a food source. When one ant finds a possible food source they go back to the colony and tells them what it found and where it is. A steady stream of ants converge on the site leaving a trail that others can follow and they keep going until it is all gone. A single ant goes out again to find a new source.

If I was in charge of a group of people and looking for a way to keep them loyal and fed I would send out individuals who would look for supplies. Maybe they would work for you for long enough to see what you had and how much. When it was ready to harvest they could leave in the dead of night and tell the leader of the group where you are, the defenses you have, and the food and firepower at your disposal. Instead of a single individual you now have a hundred who know everything they need to get what they want. The original scout might be a young mother and her child but they are part of a hive of locusts that will take everything you have and leave you and yours dead or dying.

Letting a stranger in to your group is dangerous in some circumstances and deadly in others. Everyone has had the opportunity to prepare. If you take the time and put in the work to be prepared for your family then you have a duty to protect that. Whether it is just a stranger who can convince the others you have let in to revolt against you or a scout from a nest of army ants who will surely destroy you. There is no difference in the outcome.
"If I was in charge"

That is the question I alluded to about the community.

Plato wrote

"The only person qualified to be in charge is someone smart enough to know they don't want to be in charge."

I don’t want to predispose what I will do. Each situation will be unique and one needs to weight the risks/rewards of actions or inaction. My prayer is that I will have time for an adequate assessment of those risks. While I don’t want to predispose an action, I do have a bias towards self preservation for me and my family.
Jesus fed 5000 with bread and some fish. Bad news, I'm not able to do that :p What I have is for my family. Any extra would go to the local food pantry/church. No individual requests for assistance will be entertained, they will be directed to the local church/pantry. Failure to take the hint will be met with a suitable response, SSS.
I see no real good answers. Maybe the best if you plan having extra food to give others is to give that food early to a local church or food pantry. If people are desperate there Will be violence. Everyone should plan now while the world is relatively safe just how they are going to deal with violence when it comes. Deciding alter would be a very poor plan.

This ^^ in a nutshell. Situations will present themselves and as much as we try and plan, there will always be that wrench in the works scenario.

Personally I think a small network with like minded individuals is better than going it alone. Have a designated rendezvous point, plan to hunker down and protect the assets. This is something the local group that we are establishing is focused on.
Thanks for all the input! I talked to my friend and he liked the idea of me storing extra food there and some supplies. Can can stack pretty small so I'm going to get a bunch. Aldi store by me has the cheapest stuff and I feel better supporting them then Walmart.

Thanks for all the replies!
Thanks for all the input! I talked to my friend and he liked the idea of me storing extra food there and some supplies. Can can stack pretty small so I'm going to get a bunch. Aldi store by me has the cheapest stuff and I feel better supporting them then Walmart. Thanks for all the replies!

You might want to think real hard about this plan before you get very far into it. You'll be adding to his supplies in his house. In a worst case scenario, since it's in his possession what if he decides not to share? Are you willing to get in a shoot out with him to get your stuff back? It seems like you'd be better served to rent a small storage unit until you have a place of your own. It may seem like an unnecessary expense but might be cheaper in the end in so many ways.

If you do rent a storage unit, don't tell your friend or let him know where it's at. Just tell him you haven't had the money to start prepping yet and drop the subject. Remember that old saying about never going into business with family or friends? Same goes for food storage. Yes, I'm a cynic but, sadly, I'm often correct in my assessment of human nature.