What's Everybody Canning?

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I feel like people who have been canning for years can use their own common sense to preserve safely. Like when you are not certain if a recipe has a high enough acid level, do like @NannyPatty does and use a pressure canner. I use my own recipe for making salsa because when I first got into canning i tried all of the "approved" recipes that I found in the Ball Canning Book. I couldn't stomach all the vinegar added. I grow heirloom tomatoes, which have a higher acid level but to be on the safe side, I add in a Tablespoon of lemon juice.
I get the whys of the canning Nazi's, especially for beginners, but would be nice to be able to share some of the old recipes freely. If you have ever tried to go into a canning website and ask for about canning up some pickles eggs for instance or putting no yolk egg noodles into a jar of chicken and noodle soup, you get the same response. . . You are playing with fire! Not approved! Just because you haven't killed yourself yet doesn't mean you wont. . . These kind of recipes are out there, just really hard to find. Would it really be too difficult to just add a disclaimer saying this has not been approved. Most of it is because there has not been enough research. Lack of money or whatever the reasons.
I was looking on You Tube about the S/S of botulism in home canned stuff. I found one that the person said were fruit pie filling that was obviously molded. She called it botulism, it was spoiled whatever organism it was. Her instructions were to never feed it to animals wild or tame but put the light d on and bury it. Do she not realize that animals eat their own poo sometimes or other dead animals in the wild right off the dirt which s the source of botulism? I though it was a waste of canning jars that can be cleaned and sterilized!
Feed it to the pigs, they can eat just about anything! It sounds like she probably had something under the lid to prevent a good seal or maybe a chip which caused it to spoil? But I am totally with you on not throwing away or burying in here case good jars. They are much too valuable! Hers was a mold which is different than a bacteria.
I feel like people who have been canning for years can use their own common sense to preserve safely. Like when you are not certain if a recipe has a high enough acid level, do like @NannyPatty does and use a pressure canner. I use my own recipe for making salsa because when I first got into canning i tried all of the "approved" recipes that I found in the Ball Canning Book. I couldn't stomach all the vinegar added. I grow heirloom tomatoes, which have a higher acid level but to be on the safe side, I add in a Tablespoon of lemon juice.
I get the whys of the canning Nazi's, especially for beginners, but would be nice to be able to share some of the old recipes freely. If you have ever tried to go into a canning website and ask for about canning up some pickles eggs for instance or putting no yolk egg noodles into a jar of chicken and noodle soup, you get the same response. . . You are playing with fire! Not approved! Just because you haven't killed yourself yet doesn't mean you wont. . . These kind of recipes are out there, just really hard to find. Would it really be too difficult to just add a disclaimer saying this has not been approved. Most of it is because there has not been enough research. Lack of money or whatever the reasons.

Since brown rice goes in my dog food that I pressure can and I have had no problems ever with that, I did pressure can some chicken vegetable soup with rice. Did that in February, DH had a jar of it today.
Going to try my hand at canning sweet potatoes. Timmie, is it necessary to cook the sweet potatoes to get the skin off, or can I just peel them and do a raw pack?
You can certainly do it that way . iI do mine that way. I have parboiled them and I like the way they look better, but most of the time I don't have the time.
You can certainly do it that way . iI do mine that way. I have parboiled them and I like the way they look better, but most of the time I don't have the time.
Thank you! I did 7 quarts this morning that way. I did cut them in chunks and cover with a light syrup. I did the pressure canner at 15lb for 50 mins. They all sealed and look really good. Now, for trying pumpkin purée!
How are you going to do your puree?
I got 4 pie pumpkins at WM for 50 cents apiece ( I think they had them marked wrong but I made them give them to me because they had a sign up). I cut them in half and scraped the seeds and fiber out. Then, I pressure cooked the halves for 8 min. I did the quick release. They are still cooling so I can get the skins off. Very easy. I have a stick blender that I think will work to make the pulp smooth. If it doesn't work well enough, I'll use my big processor. I think I'm going to just freeze it in 2 cup portions. That's enough for 1 pie. I searched the web and just couldn't find a time to pressure can and multiple warnings about botulism. I'll just play it safe!
I got 4 pie pumpkins at WM for 50 cents apiece ( I think they had them marked wrong but I made them give them to me because they had a sign up). I cut them in half and scraped the seeds and fiber out. Then, I pressure cooked the halves for 8 min. I did the quick release. They are still cooling so I can get the skins off. Very easy. I have a stick blender that I think will work to make the pulp smooth. If it doesn't work well enough, I'll use my big processor. I think I'm going to just freeze it in 2 cup portions. That's enough for 1 pie. I searched the web and just couldn't find a time to pressure can and multiple warnings about botulism. I'll just play it safe!
Dang it. . . I was hoping maybe you found something! :) I like to use a flat ice cream scoop like at marble slab to get the filling out. Only reason I have one is because my sister got it for me one Christmas. Scraping pumpkins is about the only thing it gets used for.
Ok ladies, I was bound and determined this evening so this is what I got. . . Do with it what you want. I have it saved on my tablet now. I have one pumpkin that I want to try timmie 's recipe out but I still have butternut to use for a puree.

Pumpkin puree canning

Karen karloucha (karloucha)
August 23rd, 2012 at 7:29am
I've been canning pumpkin puree for pies forever and have yet to open a bad jar. I steam it til soft, take off all the stringy stuff and the shell, puree it and put it into a big roasting pan and pop it in the oven at 350 deg. Stir it occasionally and cook it down to the consistency I want then take it straight from the oven to the hot jars to the pressure cooker. 10# for 65 min.
Mine comes out just like the 'solid pack' pumpkin you buy in the store. I also use whatever winter squash we have to make pie filling; you can't tell whether it's an actual pumpkin or not when it's a pie.....
We got 3 small crown royale bottles of tobasco sauce and 8 cups of jalepenos for jelly.
A friend gave us a jar of Jalepeno jelly, it was hot but it is now one of my new favorites.
I am pumpkin mania in the kitchen this morning. Timmies recipe for pumpkin preserves is almost ready to go into the canner. Pumpkin syrup is straining & pumpkin puree is in the crockpot cooking down. I need to go vote this morning and didn't want the oven on while I'm gone. I'll can up the puree after I get back.
I am pumpkin mania in the kitchen this morning. Timmies recipe for pumpkin preserves is almost ready to go into the canner. Pumpkin syrup is straining & pumpkin puree is in the crockpot cooking down. I need to go vote this morning and didn't want the oven on while I'm gone. I'll can up the puree after I get back.
I found a recipe for pumpkin pizza sauce on you tube. noreen's kitchen. if you can't get it let me know and i will post the recipe.
Sunday I took all of the sliced apples out of the freezer, the ones I salted. They looked really good. I canned 8 qts of cinnamon sugar apples. Also took some of the frozen peaches out and canned 12 pints of peach spread. I still have a ton more peaches in the freezer, but not sure what I want to do with them yet.
Am canned out today. I canned cinnamon pears, pear jam, cinnamon apples, and chopped tomatoes. My countertops (benches for Sewing C) are all full. Luckily I put on a big pot of hambone and bean soup this morning cuz know I'm tired.

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